Braces for Adults: Transforming Smiles at Any Age

A female adult proudly shows her braces

If you think that you can’t have braces just because you’re an adult, think again!

While braces have long been associated with teenagers and adolescents, more and more adults are embracing (pun intended) orthodontic treatment to achieve the smile of their dreams.

According to the AAO (American Association of Orthodontics), 1 in 4 orthodontic patients are adults.

With advancements in dental technology and the increasing demand for aesthetic improvements, braces for adults have become a popular option.

So let’s take a closer look at the benefits, types, and processes involved with braces for adults.

The growing trend of braces for adults

Gone are the days when braces were solely associated with teenagers. Today, adults are increasingly seeking orthodontic treatment to enhance their smiles and correct dental issues.

The stigma surrounding adult braces has diminished, and more people realize the benefits of investing in oral health and aesthetics.

Our team is ready to help you decide and to answer any questions you may have, call us today.

Benefits of braces for adults

Enhanced aesthetics and confidence

One of the primary motivations for adults to pursue braces is the desire for a beautiful smile.

Crooked or misaligned teeth can affect one’s self-esteem and confidence. Braces can help align teeth, close gaps, and create a pleasant smile, significantly improving a person’s appearance.

Improved oral health

Beyond aesthetics, braces for adults can also contribute to improved oral health.

Misaligned teeth can be challenging to clean properly, leading to a higher risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental issues.

Orthodontic treatment can align teeth, making oral hygiene routines more effective and reducing the likelihood of future dental problems.

Correction of bite issues

Malocclusions, such as overbites, underbites, or crossbites, can cause discomfort, difficulty chewing, and even speech problems.

Braces can correct these bite issues, improving overall oral function and reducing the strain on the jaw joints.

Addressing speech problems

Some adults may experience speech difficulties due to dental misalignments.

Braces can help align the teeth and jaws, potentially resolving speech issues and enhancing clear communication.

Types of braces for adults

When it comes to braces for adults, there are several options available.

Here are some commonly used types:

Traditional metal braces

Metal braces are the most recognizable and traditional option.

They consist of metal brackets bonded to the teeth and connected by wires.

While visible, they are highly effective and can correct even complex dental issues.

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are similar to traditional metal braces but use tooth-colored or clear brackets and wires.

They are less noticeable and offer a more discreet treatment option, making them popular among adults who desire a more subtle appearance.

Lingual braces

Lingual braces are placed on the inner surface of the teeth, making them completely hidden from view.

They are custom-made to fit each individual’s teeth and are an excellent choice for adults who wish to undergo orthodontic treatment without visible braces.

Clear aligners

Clear aligners like Invisalign® have gained significant popularity in recent years.

These transparent, removable trays gradually shift the teeth into proper alignment.

Clear aligners offer convenience, as they can be removed easily for eating and oral hygiene. To discover more, you can read our FAQ blog post.

The process of getting braces as an adult

Getting braces as an adult involves several stages. Here’s an overview:

Initial consultation: Consult Dr. Griffin to evaluate your dental condition, discuss treatment options, and address concerns.

Treatment planning: Once you proceed with braces, the orthodontist will create a personalized treatment plan based on your needs, outlining duration, recommended braces, and expected results.

Fitting the braces: For traditional braces, brackets are bonded using dental adhesive, with wires and elastic bands securing them. Clear aligners involve custom-made trays.

Regular adjustments: Visit the orthodontist every 4 to 6 weeks for adjustments, including wire adjustments or new aligners.

Retention phase: After active treatment, wear retainers to maintain teeth position and prevent shifting. Retention ensures long-term stability.


Braces for adults have revolutionized the field of orthodontics, allowing individuals to achieve a straight, beautiful smile regardless of age.

Adults can choose the treatment that best suits their needs and preferences with traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, and clear aligners.

Investing in orthodontic treatment as an adult enhances aesthetics and confidence, improves oral health, corrects bite issues, and addresses speech problems.

Whether you’ve been considering braces for a while or have just begun exploring the possibility, consult Dr. Griffin, who can guide you through the process and help you achieve the smile you’ve always desired.

Unlock your smile potential today! Discover the possibilities of adult orthodontics and take the first step toward a confident new you. Book your consultation and get started on your braces journey.

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